陈代词 (研究员,博士生导师 )


2006年获国家留学基金委奖学金资助,到麦吉尔大学(McGill)攻读细胞和分子生物学博士学位,于2012年获得博士学位。成果以共同作者发表在Science、Cell、PNAS;并因在细胞骨架研究方面的特长,为Nature Cell Biology撰写述评。2012年博士毕业后,被聘为蒙特利尔免疫与癌症研究所(IRIC)博士后/助理研究员。2014年中山大学百人计划引进到附属第六医院,任副研究员,主要从事结直肠癌的发生发展机制及放射性肠炎分子机制的研究。回国后先后主持国自然面上项目、广州市产学研协同创新重大专项、广东省自然科学基金等课题;以第一作者/通讯作者在Oncogene、Molecular Oncology、Translational Oncology等杂志上发表SCI文章。


2006年9月----2012年4月,麦吉尔大学(McGill),生物学,博士,导师:Jackie Vogel






2012年5月----2014年3月,蒙特利尔大学,癌症与免疫研究所(IRIC),博士后,合作导师:Mike Tyers



1.Chen D#*, Li Y#, Zhang X#, Chen D, Wu H, Wang Q, Cai J, Cui Y, Liu H, Lan P, Wang J, Yang Z, Wang L. Ubiquitin ligase TRIM65 promotes colorectal cancer metastasis by targeting ARHGAP35 for protein degradation. Oncogene, 2019, 38(37): 6429-6444

2.Zhang Y, Xue J, Zhou L, Si J, Cheng S, Cheng K, Yu S, Ouyang M, Chen Z*, Chen D*, Zeng W*. The predictive value of high-sensitive troponin I for perioperative risk in patients undergoing gastrointestinal tumor surgery. EClinicalMedicine, 2021, 40: 101128.

3.Peng S#, Chen D#, Cai J#, Yuan Z, Huang B, Li Y, Wang H, Luo Q, Kuang Y, Liang W, Liu Z, Wang Q, Cui Y, Wang H*, Liu X*. Enhancing cancer-associated fibroblast fatty acid catabolism within a metabolically challenging tumor microenvironment drives colon cancer peritoneal metastasis. Molecular oncology 2021, 15(5): 1391-1411.

4.Wang Q#, Liu W#, Chen S, Luo Q, Li Y, Peng S, Wang H, Liu X, Chen D. ORMDL1 is upregulated and associated with favorable outcomes in colorectal cancer. Transl Oncol, 2021, 14(10): 101171.

5.Luo Q, Chen D, Fan X, Fu X, Ma T, Chen D. KRAS and PIK3CA bi-mutations predict a poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients: A single-site report. Transl Oncol, 2020, 13(12): 100874

6.Wu PH#, Zhong QH#, Ma TH, Qin QY, Huang XY, Kuang YY, Wang HM, Yuan ZX, Wang L, Chen DC. To what extent should the intestinal be resected proximally after radiotherapy: hint from a pathological view. Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf), 2020, 8(4): 277-285

7.Liu, M.#, X. Zhang#, J. Cai, Y. Li, Q. Luo, H. Wu, Z. Yang, L. Wang* and D. Chen*. Downregulation of TRIM58 expression is associated with a poor patient outcome and enhances colorectal cancer cell invasion. Oncol Rep, 2018. 40(3): 1251-1260

8.Wu P, Li L, Wang H, Ma T, Wu H, Fan X, Yang Z, Chen D*, Wang L*. Role of Angiogenesis in Chronic Radiation Proctitis: New Evidence Favoring Inhibition of Angiogenesis Ex Vivo. Dig Dis Sci, 2018, 63(1): 113-125 

9.Li, L., B. B. Ni, Q. H. Zhong, Y. H. Liu, M. H. Zhang, K. P. Zhang, D. C. Chen* and L. Wang*. Investigation of correlation between mutational status in key EGFR signaling genes and prognosis of stage II colorectal cancer. Future Oncol, 2017. 13(17): 1473-1492

10.Wen, C., J. Chen, D. Zhang, H. Wang, J. Che, Q. Qin, L. He, Z. Cai, M. Lin, Q. Lou, L. Huang, D. Chen, A. Iwamoto, D. Ren, L. Wang, P. Lan, J. Wang, H. Liu*, and X. Yang*, Pseudolaric acid B induces mitotic arrest and apoptosis in both 5-fluorouracil-sensitive and -resistant colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Lett, 2016. 383(2): 295-308

11.Huang, D.#, X. Feng#, Y. Liu, Y. Deng, H. Chen, D. Chen, L. Fang, Y. Cai, H. Liu, L. Wang, J. Wang* and Z. Yang*. "AQP9-induced cell cycle arrest is associated with RAS activation and improves chemotherapy treatment efficacy in colorectal cancer." Cell Death Dis, 2017. 8(6): e2894

12.Chen, D. and J. Vogel, SAD kinase keeps centrosomes lonely. Nat Cell Biol, 2009. 11(9): 1047-8.

13.Keck, J. M.#, M. H. Jones#, C. C. Wong, J. Binkley, D. Chen, S. L. Jaspersen, E. P. Holinger, T. Xu, M. Niepel, M. P. Rout, J. Vogel, A. Sidow, J. R. Yates, 3rd, and M. Winey, A cell cycle phosphoproteome of the yeast centrosome. Science, 2011. 332(6037): 1557-1561

14.Hotz, M., C. Leisner, D. Chen, C. Manatschal, T. Wegleiter, J. Ouellet, D. Lindstrom, D. E. Gottschling, J. Vogel, and Y. Barral, Spindle pole bodies exploit the mitotic exit network in metaphase to drive their age-dependent segregation. Cell, 2012. 148(5): 958-972.