Jianping WangHonorary director

   Jianping Wang, professor, doctoral tutor, honorary president of the 6th Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, honorary director of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Gastroenterology, State Department special allowance winner, young expert having outstanding contributions in the Ministry of Health. His research interests include basic and clinical researches on gastrointestinal tumors, especially he has the in-depth research on the individualized treatment of colorectal cancer, anus-preserved surgery of low rectal cancer, pelvic autonomic nerve protection of rectal cancer and familial polyposis. He has undertaken more than 20 national and provincial research projects, published nearly 200 papers. Relevant research results have been published in the international authoritative journals, for example, Gastroenterology, Gut and so forth. He has won the second prize of national science and technology progress and other awards, and cultivated more than 50 masters, doctors and postdoctoral researchers. He is editor-in-chief of Gastroenterol Rep and Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Cell Oncol, review expert of National Natural Science Foundation, editor-in-chief of national textbook - Surgery (eighth edition). He is editor-in-chief of 5 monographs and translator-in-chief of 2 books. Currently, he is leader of colorectal surgery team, surgery branch, Chinese Medical Association, chairman of the Eurasian Association of Colorectal Surgery, chairman of China Area, Association of Enterocolitis Rehabilitation of Asia Pacific. As leader of colorectal surgery team, surgery branch, Chinese Medical Association, he has led the development of colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment guidelines (2010 and 2015 edition) for the Ministry of Health which are the professional standard for China's colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment and are popularized in China. He actively organizes and promotes basic and clinical research in the field of colorectal cancer in our country, cooperates with famous research institutes at home and abroad, and promotes the transformation of research results.
